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  • Post last modified:February 8, 2024
You are currently viewing 5 easy steps to apply Cambodia evisa, electronic visa online
Cambodia Angkor Wat

Cambodia evisa or tourist visa is a Cambodia electronic visa for tourist. E visa application is an electronic visa that is completed online. All the supporting documents are uploaded online. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation introduced the evisa in April 2006 to promote tourism and visit Cambodia. In this article we will try to make it more convenient, so you can apply Cambodia evisa from your home without any agent fee.

Types of Cambodia tourist visa

There are almost three types of tourist or travel visas are provided by the Cambodian authorities which are known as visa on arrival, evisa and sticker visa, this depends on the certain visa requirements. Also, which foreigners need a visa to visit Cambodia and which visas are required in each case. The purpose of the trip and the nationality of the visitor will affect entry. Most travelers need a Cambodia visa to enter the country – there are less than 10 countries that do not require a visa for short stays. The most convenient way to visit on tourism is a Cambodia evisa which is known as Cambodia electronic visa.

Cambodia evisa sample

cambodia evisa tourist visa document on the picture
Cambodia evisa tourist visa document

Cambodia e visa requirements

Cambodia e visa requirements depend on the nationality. Citizens of the below countries are eligible to apply Cambodia e visa application online:

Albania Congo Hungary Monaco Serbia
 Andorra Cook Islands Iceland Mongolia Seychelles
 Angola Costa Rica India Montenegro Sierra Leone
 Anguilla Ivory Coast Ireland Morocco Slovakia
 Antigua and Barbuda Croatia Israel Mozambique Slovenia
 Argentina Cuba Italy Solomon Islands
 Armenia Cyprus Jamaica Namibia Somalia
 Aruba Czech Republic Japan Nauru South Africa
 Australia Denmark Jordan Nepal Suriname
 Austria Djibouti Kazakhstan Netherlands Swaziland
 Azerbaijan Dominica Kenya New Caledonia Sweden
 Bahamas Dominican Republic Kiribati New Zealand Switzerland
 Bahrain Ecuador Korea Nicaragua Syria
 Barbados Egypt Kuwait Niger Taiwan
 Belarus El Salvador Kyrgyzstan Norfolk Island Tajikistan
 Belgium Equatorial Guinea Latvia Norway Tanzania
 Belize Eritrea Lebanon Oman East Timor
 Benin Estonia Lesotho Palau
 Bermuda Ethiopia Liberia Palestine Tonga
 Bhutan Faroe Islands Libya Panama Trinidad and Tobago
 Bolivia Fiji Liechtenstein Papua New Guinea Tunisia
 Bosnia and Herzegovina Finland Lithuania Paraguay Turkey
 Botswana France Luxembourg Peru Turkmenistan
 Brazil Gabon Macau Poland Turks and Caicos Islands
 Georgia Macedonia Portugal Tuvalu
 Bulgaria Germany Madagascar Puerto Rico Uganda
 Burkina Faso Greece Malawi Qatar Ukraine
 Burundi Greenland Maldives Reunion United Arab Emirates
 Cambodia Grenada Romania United Kingdom
 Canada Guadeloupe Malta Russia United States
 Cape Verde Guam Marshall Islands Rwanda Uruguay
 Cayman Islands Guatemala Martinique St. Kitts and Nevis Uzbekistan
 Central African Republic Guinea Mauritania St. Lucia Vanuatu
 Chad Guinea-Bissau Mauritius St. Vincent and the Grenadines Venezuela
 Chile Guyana Mayotte Samoa Kosovo
 China Haiti Mexico San Marino Yemen
 Colombia Honduras Micronesia São Tomé and Príncipe Zambia
 Comoros Hong Kong Moldova SenegalZimbabwe

If you do not find your country on the list above, we recommend to use Cambodia e visa official website “https://www.evisa.gov.kh/” 

Step by step process to apply Cambodia evisa online application

Step 1: Visit the official link and security verification
Firstly, click on apply now button at the bottom of the official web link: https://www.evisa.gov.kh/.
Enter the correct code which is reflected on your screen in the box.

cambodia e-visa online apply step 1, captcha security section
Cambodia e visa online apply step 1

Step 2: Fill out the application form
Fill out the visa application form by providing all your personal details, and Upload your passport-size picture. If you are confused about the passport-size photo, please click on the link to know how to get the perfect passport-size photo for a visa application to avoid visa refusal.

cambodia e-visa online apply step 2, personal detail section
Cambodia e visa online apply step 2

Red mark details are mandatory in the visa application form

Step 3: Review, edit and add new application (Multiple applications)
Review all your filled details in the visa application form. You can edit and add multiple applications if you have more people with you.

cambodia e-visa online apply step 3, review section
Cambodia e visa online apply step 3

You can only register up to 10 in one visa application. If more people are traveling then you must apply one than one application

Step 4: Payment
There are some alternatives to pay the visa fee. However, choose the payment option which is easier for you.

cambodia e-visa online apply step 4, payment section
Cambodia e visa online apply step 4

Step 5: Final step
Congratulation, your application has been submitted successfully. Usually, a reference number is sent to your registered email address. Once your visa is approved you’ll be notified through an email. Also, an e-visa certificate will be sent to you on your registered email.

cambodia e-visa online apply step 5, visa download section
Cambodia e visa online apply step 5

Cambodia e visa official website

There is only one Cambodia e visa official website to apply e visa online.

Cambodia evisa cost

Cambodia tourist evisa is relatively cheap, which just costs you USD 35.

Cambodia evisa processing time

It takes 3 working days to process by visa officer. Once your application is processed you’ll be notified by e-mail. Moreover, they will send you an e-visa certificate where you can check your all personal details.

E visa issued with single or multiple journey

Cambodia e visa is issued for a single entry for 30 days.

Cambodia visa for Indians

Yes, Indian nationalities need to apply for Cambodia tourists visa. However, there are no additional requirements for a Cambodia tourist visa for Indians. Indian passport holders are valid to apply evisa online.

Validity of Cambodia evisa

Cambodia evisa or online tourist visa is valid for 90 days. However, you can stay in Cambodia only for 30 days. If you wish to stay more you have to extend your tourist visa for another 30 days.

Is the Cambodia evisa extendable?

Yes, Cambodia e visa is extendable. You can get an extension for 30 days from The Immigration Department in front of the Phnom Penh Airport.

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